Christmas Is for Lovers

Make your own full artificial Christmas trees with these tips

Make your own full artificial Christmas trees with these tips

There’s nothing like the smell of fresh pine and the twinkle of Christmas lights to get you in the holiday spirit. But if you’re looking to avoid the hassle — and expense — of an artificial tree this year, there are plenty of DIY options that can add just as much festive charm to your home.

“If you want to avoid a fake tree this year and don’t have room for a real one, you can make your own full artificial Christmas tree with these tips,” said Sarah James, who wrote the article for Good Housekeeping.

She added: “You can use anything from cardboard boxes or wine crates to paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls.”

The key is finding something sturdy enough to support all those branches without collapsing under their weight. And if it’s going to be seen from every angle in your home, it shouldn’t detract from the beauty of all those twinkling lights either.

There are a lot of options out there when it comes to artificial Christmas trees, but if you’re looking for the real thing, they can be pretty expensive. But don’t let that stop you from making your own full artificial Christmas trees at home!

Here are some tips to help you with that:

Get creative with wire hangers

The first thing that most people think of when they want to make their own full artificial Christmas tree is using wire hangers. These are the cheapest way to go and they work well if you’re just looking for something quick and easy. But if you want something sturdier or if you want it to last longer than just one year, then there are other options available.

 Use PVC pipes instead of hangers

PVC pipes are another option for making your own full artificial Christmas tree, although they may not be quite as sturdy as wire hangers. They’re still fairly inexpensive though so it won’t break the bank if you buy a few extra pieces just in case one breaks or gets damaged during assembly. You can also find them in different colors which will add some color variation.

Find a good spot

Another thing you need to do is find a spot where you can put your tree. It needs to be somewhere where it won’t get bumped or knocked over easily, and where there won’t be any pets or small children around who might knock it over by accident.

Measure out the right amount of lights and decorations

Once you’ve found a good spot for your tree, measure out exactly how much space it will take up so that you know how many lights and decorations you’ll need. This will help make sure that everything fits together nicely on the tree once it’s finished.

Choose a tree shape that fits your space

There are many different shapes of artificial Christmas trees on the market, from traditional to modern and everything in between. If you have a specific area in mind for your tree, choose one that matches its size and shape. For example, if you have an elongated space in mind or an oddly shaped corner, look for an artificial tree with branches that curve outwards at different heights or angles.

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